Jesus Alone Saves

Discover the truth about our God and His Creation.
Trust The Truth about God's one and only son, Jesus.
The Bible was written by authors who were inspired and spiritually influenced by our one and only true God, so we can trust what the Bible is telling us and acquire wisdom and knowledge that gives us a unique hope and a special peace that goes far beyond anything in this world. 
This website uses the Bible to tell us the truth about Jesus Christ. It gives us a condensed chronological picture of what God want us to know about Him, His creations and some of His past, present and future interactions with humanity. It also explains how God gave us this life on earth along with an everlasting life that can be spent with Him in Heaven.
As we now contemplate Heaven, we might be thinking that we can qualify for Heaven after we die if we are good enough and/or nice enough, but this extremely popular thought is simply not true. Throughout our life, the sin nature that we inherit from Adam and Eve causes all of us to make self-centered choices instead of obeying God. Our modern society, spiritual forces and our sin nature push all of us toward sin and disobedience. Every one of us have sinned and disobeyed God. This separates us from God and blocks our entrance into Heaven. 
Don't worry though, God's Plan makes a way for us to be reconciled to Him. We can have all of our sins and disobedience forgiven by Him and paid for by Him. We can't earn our way to Heaven, so entrance to Heaven is a gift from our God. We can accept God's gift and Trust The Truth that Jesus Alone Saves us from the justified wrath that has been put in place for those who don't trust God's Plan for salvation.

God's Plan ->>>> Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, was born to a virgin and then lived a perfectly sinless life as a human being. According to our perfectly fair and sovereign God, this qualified Jesus to suffer and die on a cross to pay for the sins and disobedience of everyone that believes in Jesus Alone as their Lord and Savior. Jesus chose to suffer and die for His followers and pay for all of their sins and disobedience. Choose to follow Jesus. Accept God's gift (read John 3:16 and Ephesians 2:8). 

Your choice to trust and have faith in God's Plan for admission to Heaven will be the most important decision you ever make.

Jesus Alone Saves us - Nothing else and No One else.
This is the Truth, and you can Trust it.

God's Plan and what Jesus Christ did for us is why His birth is celebrated on Christmas every year. Jesus's death on the cross and subsequent resurrection to new life after 3 days is why Easter is celebrated every year. God's Plan is why Jesus Christ is so important. There has never been anyone like Him and there never will be.   Since God is sovereign over all things and loves us so much, having faith in God's Plan cannot fail to unblock our pathway into Heaven. Don't wait. Trust God's Plan. Believe that Jesus Christ has paid for all of your sins...make Him your Savior! Strive to follow His will during your life...make Him your Lord! Accept the gift. Along with going to Heaven after you die, knowing and trusting the truth about God's Plan will bring a very unique peace to your life on Earth.

Carefully selected Bible verses are on pages two and three of this website. They start in the first book of the Bible (Genesis) and finish in the last book of the Bible (Revelation). The Old Testament (page two) and the New Testament (page three) both have an important story to tell. The Old Testament proclaims God's awesome creative power, His love for humanity, His laws, His sovereignty over the entire universe, His prophetic words, the importance of obeying Him and much more. The New Testament includes the birth of Jesus, the truth about who He is, His teachings, fulfilled prophecies, some of the results of his visit to Earth, how to get to Heaven and much more.

Along with reading the Bible, continue to come back to this website until you Trust The Truth about Jesus. 
Understand how and why you need to have a close relationship with Jesus during the rest of your time on Earth.

Tap or click OLD TESTMENT to read and study page two.
Tap or click NEW TESTAMENT to read and study page three.
